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The Puberty Toolkit

Ages 8+ 46 Pages Printable Worksheets Journal Pages Puzzles Conversation Starters Posters


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for Kids 8+
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access

Your Child Will Learn

  • How their body will change during puberty
  • How to care for their changing body
  • Anatomically correct names for body parts
  • What a period is
  • How to create a period kit
  • What an erection is
  • Bodily changes that happen for boys and girls
  • Proper hygiene during puberty
  • How to stay safe online
  • Red flags in relationships
  • What an unsafe picture is
  • Family rules for digital safety
  • Consent and body safety education
  • Definitions of wet dreams and ejaculation
  • How to stand up for themselves
  • How to stay safe around strangers
Toolkit AboutJess Image
Created by a team of experts &

Jess VanderWier

Jess has taught body safety and sex education to children and youth for over 10 years. This toolkit includes many of the worksheets, insights, and education she would give to the tweens she taught in a school setting. Jess and her team of experts in child development created this toolkit to help you have essential conversations about puberty, changing bodies, and consent with your tweens.

Prepare your tween for puberty and their changing body

Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Printable Worksheets

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Parents & Children

Who’s This Printable For?

WhosThisPrintableFor Icon

You want to be proactive about puberty education. You have a child who is 8-12 years old and want them to be prepared for when these changes happen.


Your tween is already going through puberty, and you haven’t started teaching them about their changing body yet. You are looking for an easy and shame-free way to have these conversations.


Your tween has been asking you questions, and you aren’t sure how to respond. You want an easy-to-follow guide to help you have these tricky conversations.

Let’s do it!

Toolkit Pricing


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for Kids 8+
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access
peaking emmy

The gold standard

Talk About Puberty Without Shame

Ages 8+

This toolkit was designed with kids 8 years and older in mind.


Printable Worksheets

The toolkit includes over 40 worksheets to print off and go through with your tween.

Engaging Activities

The toolkit includes worksheets, puzzles and journal pages to help your child learn about and reflect on what is going to happen during puberty.


Practical Tools and Strategies

The toolkit helps you start conversations with your tween about everything from periods to wet dreams to online safety and more.

Expert Guidance

The toolkit was created by a team of experts in child development, mental health, and trauma.


Lifetime Access

You can print this toolkit as many times as you need! Use the worksheets and journal pages over and over.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the toolkit?

You can print the toolkit as many times as you like for use in your home or classroom. However, it is only meant for use within the home or classroom of the person who purchased it.

What age is this toolkit useful for?

We created this toolkit with children ages 8+ in mind.

Will this toolkit be helpful for neurodiverse children?

Yes. Much of our team’s experience has been teaching neurodiverse children and youth this information. We made this toolkit with neurodiverse children and youth in mind.

How do I use this toolkit? Do I just give it to my child?

The Puberty Toolkit is meant to do WITH your child. Sit and go through the pages TOGETHER to ensure any questions are addressed and your child views you as the expert on this topic.

My child just turned 8… are these topics too mature?

You know your child and what type of information they can handle best. You don’t need to give them all the information in the toolkit at once. Start with the worksheets that apply to their questions or concerns now, and come back to it when they are ready for more.

I want to teach my daughter about periods. Does the toolkit cover this?

Yes, the toolkit covers periods in detail.

Do I need to show my child both the girls’ and boys’ sections?

We created separate sections about the changes that happen in a girl’s and boy’s body so you can show your child the material that is most relevant to them. That being said, we do advise covering both sections with your child over time.

Would a teacher, therapist or other professional find this toolkit helpful?

Absolutely. Many educators purchase the toolkit for use within their classroom. This is a great way to introduce the concept of puberty to tweens.

Let’s explore

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