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The Body Safety Toolkit

3-9 Year Olds 34 Pages Printable Posters Practical Games Fear-Free Approach Body Safety Consent Privacy


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for 3-9 Year Olds
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access

What Your Child Will Learn

  • The difference between private and public body parts
  • How to ask for consent
  • The difference between safe and unsafe touch
  • Anatomically correct names for body parts
  • The “No Secrets” house rule
  • What to do if someone tries to touch them without their consent
  • Mantras to promote body confidence
  • Scripts to say “no” to hugs and touch
  • Plans to protect them from abuse
  • Tips to understand that “no means no”
  • Confidence that they are the boss of their body
  • How to create their safety plan
  • Ways to treat their body with kindness
  • How to treat friends respectfully
  • How to identify tricky situations
  • Ways to stand up for themselves
Toolkit AboutJess Image
Created by a team of experts &

Jess VanderWier

This toolkit was created by a team of experts in body safety, child development, trauma, and children’s mental health! We combined our expertise to make this toolkit a fun and engaging way to protect your child from unwanted touch and help them feel confident about their body!


Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Printable Worksheets

BodySafety Desktop

Parents & Children

Who’s This Printable For?

WhosThisPrintableFor Icon

You want to teach your child how to understand consent and proactively protect them as they go to school, daycare, swimming lessons, or a friend’s house.


You have a child who tends to strip down naked in public, is curious with their friends, or loves to hug others but doesn’t know when to stop, and you want to teach them about body safety without shame.


You don’t know how to bring up topics like secrets, privacy, or body parts, and you want an approach to teaching this that is easy and doesn’t scare your child.


From Real Parents Just Like You

Quote bubble with nectarine background Sarah | Mom of 2

Jess, our son was super friendly and we didn’t want to dampen that, but we also wanted him to understand he couldn’t just go up to strangers. The body toolkit helped us teach him about asking for touch without making it scary or bad!

Quote bubble with red background Hazel | Mom of 2

Just bought the body safety toolkit. It's my first purchase with you. Been following for a long time. My eldest is 4 and I feel it is the right time to ensure I have the tools and resources to start teaching these things with him.

Quote bubble with pink background Erin | Mom of 2

Absolutely love that the toolkit covers what we can say when child needs to be touched for medical purposes!

Quote bubble with yellow background Megan | Mom of 2

Doing the body safety toolkit and my 4yo said her fave body part was her belly. Thanks for giving me the tools to teach her how to love herself. 🥰🥰

Quote bubble with green background Julie | Mom of 1

Felt weird to start teaching my 3 year old about body safety, but the toolkit helped make it feel natural! She’s actually been enjoying the colouring and catching on more than I thought!

Quote bubble with blue background Christina | Mom of 2

My girl needs personal space, does not like anyone to come too near or touch her, unless is someone she likes and knows. Toolkit helped her learn how to express her need for personal space in a kind and firm way.

Let’s do it!

Toolkit Pricing


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for 3-9 Year Olds
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access
peaking emmy

The gold standard

Body Safety Education

3-9 Year Olds

This toolkit is designed with children ages 3-9 in mind.


Printable Worksheets

The toolkit includes posters that you can hang in your home as reminders of body safety, body confidence, and consent.

Engaging Activities

This toolkit helps you teach your child topics that protect them — like secrets, strangers and unwanted touch — without scaring them!


Practical Tools and Strategies

The toolkit is more than colouring and posters. You’ll also get scripts, games, and activities to help teach body safety and consent to your kids.

Expert Guidance

The information, games, and worksheets inside this toolkit were created by a team of experts in body safety, mental health, and trauma.


Lifetime Access

You can print this toolkit as many times as your children need! Use the games, worksheets, and posters over and over.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the toolkit?

You can print the toolkit as many times as you like for use in your home or classroom. However, it is only meant for use within the home or classroom of the person who purchased it.

What age is this toolkit useful for?

This toolkit is designed for parents and caregivers of children ages 3-9 years old.

What if my child doesn’t like colouring?

The toolkit includes many different kinds of games, stories and activities to teach your child about body safety and consent. If your child doesn’t enjoy colouring, they can still use and learn from the toolkit.

Would a teacher, early childhood educator, or other professional find this toolkit helpful?

Absolutely. Many educators purchase the toolkit for use within their classroom. This is a great way to introduce the concept of body safety to children.

Would this be helpful for neurodivergent children?

This toolkit was created with the needs of neurodivergent children in mind. To help teach neurodivergent children, we have included various ways to understand body safety, including visuals, stories, games, coloring sheets, and activities.

Let’s explore

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