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The Playful Parent Toolkit

3-9 Year Olds 40 Pages Fun Activities Printable Worksheets Strategies Games Kid-Approved


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for 3-9 Year Olds
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access

What Your Child Will Learn

  • Playful tools to boost cooperation with your child
  • Playful game ideas to try with your children
  • Valuable insights into why play is so important for kids
  • Strategies you can print off and put on your fridge
  • Easy tools you can use anytime to decrease meltdowns
  • Activities you can use to teach your child emotional regulation
  • Colouring sheets to use when you don’t have energy for play
  • Simple strategies that help your child’s confidence
  • Easy ways to reduce power struggles
  • Fun ideas to boost the bond you have with your child
  • Printable posters to hang in your home
  • Playful games you can do in less than 5 minutes
Toolkit AboutJess Image
Created by a team of experts &
Jess VanderWier

The Playful Parent Toolkit was created by a team of experts in child development. Our team knows play is essential for a child’s well-being and is how they learn, gain confidence, and make sense of the world. The team used their deep understanding of play to create strategies, games, and tools that will help parents connect with their children, reduce meltdowns, and boost cooperation in their home.


Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Printable Worksheets

PlayfulParent Desktop
Parents & Children

Who’s This Printable For?

WhosThisPrintableFor Icon
You feel stuck in a constant loop of power struggles in your home. You want to make your home a more fun and playful place, but you aren’t sure how to help your child.
You didn’t grow up with playful parents. You struggle to know how to laugh, play, and have fun with your kids. You want easy tools to teach you how to do this.
You have a strong-willed child who seeks control in your home. You want to help them but aren’t sure where to start. You need strategies you can start using as soon as today!

From Real Parents Just Like You

Quote bubble with nectarine background Josh - Dad of 3

My wife bought this for us - she’s a naturally playful parent, I’m not. We put the tools on our fridge as a reminder, and it’s helped me many times to remember to play instead of getting angry.

Quote bubble with red background Jenna - Mom of 3

This is the BEST! Thank you!! I really needed some simple ideas to use with my strong-willed kid.

Quote bubble with pink background Jessica - Mom of 2

I used the puppet trick tonight, and it helped make dinner so much easier! THANK YOU! I love how simple and easy the ideas in the toolkit are.

Quote bubble with yellow background Andrew - Dad of 1

I bought the Playful Parent Toolkit because my toddler is always fighting us. It helped make power struggles around getting dressed and dinner time so much easier.

Quote bubble with green background Shannon - Mom of 3

I have loved the tools in this toolkit for my sensitive little one, who often struggles with transitions. They have made things feel easier for us in the mornings.

Quote bubble with blue background Anonymous

Thanks so much for this! I've never bought anything so quickly! I love that you included the strategies and also games and coloring pages for the days when I just need something to do with them. It takes the thinking out.

Let’s do it!

Toolkit Pricing


What's Included:

  • AgesYears Suitable for 3-9 Year Olds
  • PrintableWorksheets Icon Printable Worksheets
  • EngagingActivities Icon Engaging Activities
  • ToolsAndStrats Practical Tools and Strategies
  • ExpertGuidance 1 Expert Guidance
  • LifetimeAccess Lifetime Access
peaking emmy
The gold standard

Start Playing, Reduce Meltdowns

3-9 Year Olds
This toolkit is designed with children ages 3-9 in mind.
Printable Worksheets
This toolkit includes printable posters you can hang in your home to help give you easy ways to use playfulness with your children.
Engaging Activities
This toolkit includes games and activities you can do WITH your kids. This will help you play with them, without needing to spend hours prepping activities.
Practical Tools and Strategies
This toolkit is more than games and activities. It contains easy-to-implement strategies that you can start using right away with your kids!
Expert Guidance
This toolkit was created by experts in child development who understand the power of using play to boost cooperation and connect with children.
Lifetime Access
Print this toolkit as many times as you need for your kids. Come back to it for years to come!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a one-time use toolkit, or can I print it multiple times for my children?
You can print it off again and again for use within your own household! This toolkit will help you for years to come!

We ask that you do not forward or share The Playful Parent Toolkit with anyone else in accordance with our licence terms and conditions. If you love the toolkit and want to share it with your friends and family, please send them the link to purchase it directly!

What age is The Playful Parent Toolkit appropriate for?
The Playful Parent Toolkit was created with children ages 3-9 in mind.
I’m a teacher / therapist / professional. Can I use The Playful Parent Toolkit?
Absolutely! The toolkit was created with professional use in mind as well. Your purchase of The Playful Parent Toolkit gives you a licence for your home or classroom only.

We ask that you do not forward or share The Playful Parent Toolkit with anyone else in accordance with our licence terms and conditions. If you love the Toolkit and want to share it with your friends and family, please send them the link to purchase it directly!

Is this helpful for highly sensitive/neurodivergent children?
Absolutely. This toolkit was created with neurodivergent children in mind.
Will this toolkit help me become more playful?
That’s our hope! The ideas in this toolkit are incredibly easy to try. We want you to feel more confident being silly, playful, and funny with your kids, and we can’t wait to hear your stories.
What if my child doesn’t like colouring? Will they still find it helpful?
Yes! This toolkit includes so much more than colouring pages! It is unique in that it includes strategies and ideas for parents throughout! Print off the posters to give you a visual reminder of how you can be playful with your children.
Let’s explore

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